I'm sure some of you are wonder, just who IS this guy? Why is he talking about video games so much?
To answer the first question, I'm a pretty normal college student who just happens to love his video games. Over the past few years, I've dabbled a bit in game design, although none of it has come to fruition. I'm particularly skilled in Game Maker programming, but only have a rudimentary knowledge of other programming languages such as Java and C++.
Second, I like to think about things. Maybe a little too much, but oh well. Most people see games as merely a mindless form of entertainment, but I see them as something that is worth understanding. What makes them fun? Why is this game or that game "good?" I like to look at games to answer these types of questions, probably prodded on by my interest in game design as a hobby.
Enjoy your time here, and feel free to comment on anything you find interesting.